mMijn Omgeving
Persons: 0


You can use wireless internet throughout the campsite. On your pitch, you can use the limited-speed Wi-Fi for free. If you want to do more with the internet, you can buy a subscription. Day, 3-day, week, month, 3-month and 6-month cards are available.

Have you booked a rental accommodation? Then you will receive a log-in code for several users to use the internet free of charge.

An overview of the different WIFI subscriptions:
1 user
1 day (24 hrs)€ 2,00
3 days (72 hrs)€ 5,00
Week€ 10,00
Month€ 17,50
3 months€ 35,00
6 months€ 50,00
Year€ 75,00
(max. 3 users)
1 day (24 hrs)€ 3,50
3 days (72 hrs)€ 8,50
Week€ 17,00
Month€ 30,00
3 months€ 60,00
6 months€ 85,00
Year€ 125,00